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AdJunk - Block Ads and Scripts for Fast Browsing

4.4 ( 5024 ratings )
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Разработчик Anda Teknoloji Yazilim Hizm
1.99 USD

Tired of adverts? Let them head to the junk!

AdJunk blocks adverts, user tracking scripts, ad widgets to improve browsing speed and experience. AdJunk blocks ad content before they are downloaded, thus reduces your Cellular and Wi-Fi data usage dramatically and also improves your battery life when browsing.

AdJunk built-in protection filters include professionally moderated block lists that are maintained and improved continuously so you can sit back and relax. No complex settings needed, just activate AdJunk and feel the difference!

By blocking tracking scripts, AdJunk protects your privacy. AdJunk never intercepts, records, sends or shares your traffic data for any reason! We believe in ultimate privacy.

Note: Content blocking extensions are only supported on 64-bit devices with at least iOS 9.0 or later. Extension only works for Safari browser. This is by design.

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